

“My Hometown” Project

My Hometown is an opportunity for students to unearth stories relating to the Holocaust through connections close to home. Learning through active research of the local and historical environment can assist understanding of the human experience and enable students to critically consider how and why such stories should be recognised, remembered, and told.

The PPSCO Project


Jews in Slovenia

Jews, even though they were relatively small in number, played an important role in forming the economic and cultural images of today’s Slovenia.

Jews in Maribor

The medieval Jewish community of Maribor can certainly be considered to be amongst the bigger communities within today’s Slovenian territory, and Maribor itself from amongst the cultural and economic Jewry centres within the then Inner Austrian lands.

Maribor’s synagogue

The Maribor synagogue was one of the more important synagogues in Styria because of the role and importance of the Maribor Jewish community.


Anti-Semitism: ideology, a movement against Semites, Jews, usually eminating from political or economic sources. It was coined in the late 19th century and indicates anti-Jewish views and activities. Today it covers prejudices against Jews from ancient pre-Christian times up to modern political prosecutions. The nature of anti-Semitic rhetoric has changed from one period to another.

Anti-Semitism in Slovenia

The Slovenian anti-Semitism of the 20th century was a result of adopting trends from the immediate vicinity and wider area.It was an occurrence within an environment in which there is no autochtonous source and does not represent any significant historical heritage.

Holocaust (Shoah)

The holocaust (Latin ‘holocaustum’ from Greek ‘holókauston’ = sacrifice by fire): a term for the Nazi mass destruction, particulary Jews, during World War II.

Holocaust in Slovenia

During World War II, the economic prominent and organised Jewish community was also annihilated within today’s Slovenian territory.

‘Shoah – Let Us Remember’ Project

Each programme within this project appeals to the public to permanently remember the greatest evil of the 20th century. It should never be forgotten and, above all, it should never be repeated – never and nowhere.

‘Stolpersteine’ Project

The Maribor Synagogue, in cooperation with the ‘Prva gimnazija Maribor’ secondary school, Maribor Public Library and supported by the ZRC SAZU, initiated a project to enhance the memory of the Holocaust victims. This initiative was formed in line with the European efforts for preserving the historical memory regarding all victims of National Socialism within the period 1933-1945, and for the Holocaust – the largest genocide in human history.

‘Stone Tears’ Project

Project Stone Tears is an international project focused on developing strategies as well as providing educational and meaningful substance for three remembrance days honouring the victims of the Holocaust and Porrajmos (Genocide of the Roma), while promoting and encouraging such activities both in Slovenia and in neighbouring countries.

The Crocus Project

The Crocus Project is a project for young people aged ten years and over remembering all children who died in the Holocaust.

‘Never Forget’ Project

Remembering the Holocaust and Building Tolerance and Solidarity in the EU

‘UNITED’ Project

The project UNITED – UNderstand, Inform, Think, EDucate is a cross-sectoral cooperation of public institutions, CSOs and teaching institutions involving Jewish history and education experts from Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Poland.

Genocide of the Roma

Romi predstavljajo največjo etnično manjšino v Evropi, javno védenje o njihovi kulturi in zgodovini pa je kljub temu skromno ali ga sploh ni. V družbi so še vedno močno zakoreninjeni predsodki proti Romom, ti pa so tudi zaradi tega odrinjeni na sam rob družbe.

Publications and other materials

Audio-visual materials

Synagogue in 360°

Virtual 360° tour of the medieval synagogue in Maribor.

Exhibitions for Rent

In the Synagogue Maribor we offer you 24 different exhibitions, which you can rent for free and exhibit in your exhibition halls, schools, libraries,…

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