“A world that remembers the Holocaust. A world without genocide” is one of the main visions of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), of which Slovenia is also a member.
On the occasion of commemorating the International Holocaust Remembrance Day – the 27th January, we are kindly inviting you to various commemorative and cultural events. This year, due to restrictions and measures adopted in Slovenia in order to contain the spread of the COVID-19, all events will be carried out in digital form.
Virtual events and digital content will be available on web pages (www), Facebook (@) pages, and other social networks of organisers. To access the marked (*) programmes, an appointment must be made to the organiser of the event in advance.
Shoah – Let Us Remember 2021 programme
Organisers reserve the right to change the programme. Visitors are advised to follow the latest updates published on the websites of individual organisers.