In cooperation with the Kerameikon – Croatian Ceramic Association a special juried ceramics exhibition of Israeli artist was prepared as part of the “Ceramica Multiplex 2012”, the main manifestation of the “IV International Festival of Postmodern Ceramics 2012” (Varaždin, Croatia).
In Israel the ceramics art scene is rather strong, and in tune with all world movements in this field thus the exhibition is presenting a unique representative illustration of this scene. Besides the recent artwork from Israel the exhibition is displaying artwork donated by four Israeli artists to the Kerameikon’s collection of contemporary world ceramics (with the exhibition we present 16 Israeli artists). The exhibited artwork noticeably presents the artistic potential of the chosen medium, even though most of the displayed pieces still demonstrate the basic forms of useful functions.
Authors of the exhibited works: Esther Alterman, Ester Beck, Rachel Cadmor, Elizabeth Cohen, Shamai Gibsh, Sygalle Giveon Leshman, Zahara Harel, Magdalena Hefetz, Raya Hizi, Michal Ityel Sandler, Irit Lepkin, Martha Rieger, Yael Roll, Dori Schechtel Zanger, Etty Spindel, Shulamit Teiblum-Millar.