On 19th of June 2021 we invite you to join us from 18:00 onwards at the Summer Evening at Židovska.
At 19:30 on the Jewish Square, there will be a concert of the Kontra-Kvartet, a Slovenian ethno group that performs traditional Jewish music – klezmer music in its most authentic form.
Due to covid restrictions, the number of visitors to the concert will be limited. We kindly ask the visitors for a prior reservation. Send your reservation request to info@sinagogamaribor.si or 031 680 294 no later than Friday, 18th of June, by 15:00 or until all places are filled. In case of rain the event is canceled.
Before and after the concert, it will be possible to see the current exhibition Marko Vogrič: Grandfather Franc, Gorizia – Dachau. A Photo Letter from the Camp and Roman Erich Petsche and His Kočevje Region from 18:00 until 22:00 in the Synagogue Maribor. This evening, the DLUM Gallery, the Media Nox Gallery, GT22, the Stolp PhotoGallery and the Maribor Street Gallery will also be open to you.
Please click here for a detailed information about the programme.
Participation in all events is free, and visitors are asked to follow all current NIJZ instructions for preventing the spread of covida-19.
You are cordially invited!
Za obisk koncerta velja pravilo PCT (prebolevniki, cepljeni in testirani). Zaradi spoštovanja preventivnih ukrepov za preprečevanje in omejitev širjenja bolezni covid-19 obiskovalce naprošamo, da na prizorišču vzdržujejo primerno medsebojno varnostno razdaljo, si razkužujejo roke ob vstopu na prizorišče in izstopu z njega, skrbijo za pravilno higieno kašlja oz. kihanja in upoštevajo druga varnostna navodila organizatorjev.
The RVT rule (recovered, vaccinated and tested) applies to attend the concert. In order to respect the preventive measures to prevent and limit the spread of covid-19 disease, visitors are asked to maintain a suitable safety distance at the venue, disinfect their hands when entering and leaving the venue, take care of proper cough or. sneezing hygiene and follow other safety instructions of the organizers.